Summer Camp - Currently unavailable this summer.
9:00-3:30 with before and after programs available
ride twice a day and learn horsemanship in between
riders bring own lunch & snacks, camp lockers issued to all campers locker fees included in registration
Summer CAMP 2020 dates:
Session 1: June 29-July 3
Session 2: July 6-10
Session 3: July 13-17
beginners will start with learning the basics balance and control. all other levels will use the week to become stronger riders while focusing on safety and horse care.
2 mounted lessons per day with an academy coach or instructor (weather permitting)
award ceremony to showcase new skills and new academy rider level achieved at the end of each session.
Your Camp Includes
Programming for ages 6 and up
working with appropriate horses and ponies
Friendly, qualified staff trained in first aid
2 indoor arenas and outdoor riding rings
in house rider level program to work within
fun, safe and organized facilities
Clothing & Equipment
For safety, children must wear appropriate clothing while working around and/or riding horses. This includes:
Footwear designed for riding (closed-toe, leather, low rubber heel, no steel toes)
Long Pants (a track pant, yoga pant or riding pant, jeans are not recommended)
ASTM approved English riding helmet - limited quantity available for rent
weather appropriate clothing is a must, lockers available,
bring own lunch and snacks, lots of water, A refillable water container, a sunhat, and sunscreen.
*Please do not bring any nut products to camp*
Feel free to stop in during office hours to tour the facility!
Please note: our student/teacher ratio is 6:1. While we often have additional help this is not a guarantee. Our teachers have a lot of curriculum to get through, and there are occasional periods of down time during camp. if your child cannot work independently within a group setting and requires constant attention, this is not the right program for them. we cannot cater to special needs, particularly behavioral. If your child requires one on one attention and/or constant stimulation, this is not the program for them. please keep in mind that we cannot refund camp registration because registration means you have saved a spot in camp. if a camper is constantly not listening to instructions or requires constant one on one attention from a staff member, they are seen as taking away from the experience of other students and a potential safety issue which will result in them being sent home from camp.
Camp Hours
Camp runs in weekly sessions: from Monday to Friday
Drop off: 8:30am – 9:00am
Pick up: 3:30pm – 4:00pM
before & aftercare available: $15/hr or $10/hr if doing more than four hours.
child care must be paid directly to camp staff in cash before leaving your child.
Full Week
(Monday – Friday)
$350 + HST
Helmet Rental
$ 25 per camp
A fun and enriching summer camp so far! Proud to have welcomed 36 new riders during session two
We are looking forward to Session Two camp last day shows tomorrow followed by awards ceremony! _#aj

session 4: July 20-24
session 5: july 27-31
session 6: August 3-7
session 7: august 10-14
session 8: august 17-21
session 9: ADULTS ONLY : August 24-28