Riding Lessons
We offer group, private and semi private lessons.
Lessons are provided all year around, from beginner to advanced levels. Instruction in Hunter/Jumper, Dressage, and Cross Country riding is provided by qualified staff. We suggest that a student be 6 years old before commencing formal group riding lessons. Lessons are reserved by monthly session. A monthly session includes 4 lessons. Instruction is available on weekday evenings and on weekends.
1 Hour Group Lessons
30 min. Private or 45 min. Semi Private Lessons
Special "First Ride":
To see if you enjoy horse riding, we offer a special "first ride" evaluation. We will provide an ASTM riding helmet and a certified EC Instructor/Coach will assist you in a private lesson. These lessons are hosted in a safe, indoor diding arena. The special price is $45 including HST.
We have 20 well trained school horses, that vary in degree of difficulty and skills.